No surprise, I am obsessed with shoulders openers.
I absolutely love, how they make me feel, especially after a day spent at my desk, or using my phone. Our modern western lifestyle brings us to a closed posture of our upper section of the body, and these four exercises will definitely help you to give a break to that attitude.
Exercise 1:
Puppy pose at the wall
Try to touch the wall with your chest
Breathe x 10 times
Exercise 2:
Puppy Pose with hands holding the chin
This pose will definitely feel intense on your neck, do the over-extension of it. Be mindful, and don’t push yourself too much
Try to touch the wall with your chest
Breathe x 10 times
Exercise 3
Puppy pose with a block underneath the chin
If the previous exercise felt too intense, don’t worry, start from here, and little by little it will get easier
Breathe x 10 times
Exercise 4
Standing back bend at the wall
This specific exercise will help you deepen your back bend for wheel pose, without having your body weight on the wrists
Press the wall away, as much as possible, and look at the space between your hands
Try to straighten the arms
Breathe x 10 times