My favorite shoulders opener exercises

In my opinion there is no such a thing as too much heart opener practice

Step 1️⃣
Sit on the floor, with a chair, or the Feetup Trainer keep the knees together and bent. Take two light weights, or two bottles of water, or soda cans
Now, bend backwards, breathe and relax. Don’t push, let gravity do the work for you.
You can stay here as long as you can

Step 2️⃣
To make it more intense extend your legs. Keep breathing, and relax. Stay here as long as you can.

Step 3️⃣
Instead of using your two light weights, grab the chair, or the Feetup Trainer legs. This might feel more intense, and if you don’t feel comfortable just back off. You can stay here as long as you can

Step 4️⃣
For more intensity, extend the legs. Keep breathing and relax