I started practising splits when I was a 5 years old dancer, I never stopped, and I never will. It doesn’t matter how many years of training I have, I always learn and discover something new about Hanumanasana.
Here, I am sharing a series of exercises I practice regularly to do the oversplit.
Accordingly, with your level of flexibility, find a little rise, it can be something as small as a book or as high as a chair. Only you know the limits of your body.
Exercise 1
Ashta Chandrasana – High Lunge
10 Breathe each side
Personally, I like to add little pulses
Exercise 2
Anjaneyasana – low Lunge
10 Breathe each side
Add little pulses for extra fun
Exercise 3
Runner Lunge
10 Breathe each side
Exercise 4
Utthan Pristhasana – Lizard Pose
Be creative, and choose the variation you feel more comfortable with
10 Breathe each side
Exercise 5
Ardha Hanumanasana – Half Split Pose
10 Breathe each side
I like to shift from tippy toes pointed to hammer foot for an extra stretch
Exercise 6
Ardha Parsvottanasana – Pyramid Pose
10 Breathe each side
For an extra challenge bend and extend the leg behind