Bakasana or crane pose is a challenging arm balance, that will teach us all the other arm balances. Not to be confused with Kakasana, Crow pose.
Bakasana, Crane pose balancing on straight arms
Kakasana, Crow Pose balancing on bent arms
At first, extending completely the arms might feel impossible, and scary, so keep the arms bent. There is no need to rush.
What requires:
Strong wrists
Flexible knees
Strong core
Exercise 1
Bakasana squats – repeat x 10 times
These are very deep squats, if you have a knee injury, by all means, don’t bend as deeply
Inhale when you go down
Exhale when you come up – squeeze the glutes
Exercise 2
Place 2 blocks, one on top of the other, and place your feet on them
Possibly, with pointed toes (make it look as much as possible as Bakasana)
Place the knees into the armpits
Straighten the arms
Stay here x 10 breathes
Exercise 3
Bakasana Crunches with straight hands
Repeat x 10 times
Lie down, straight back. Try to push the lower back to the floor as much as possible
Inhale, take the knees to the armpits
Head between the knees
Exhale, push the legs back, be sure not to arch the lower back, arms to the side of your body
Exercise 4
Bakasana Crunches with flexed hands
Repeat x 10 times
Lie down, straight back. Try to push the lower back to the floor as much as possible
Inhale, take the knees to the armpits
Head between the knees
Exhale, push the legs back, be sure not to arch the lower back, arms to the side of your body