Today’s tutorial will be focusing on Bakasana, the father of all arm balances.
When I first started practising arm balances, I was terrified and terribly weak.
However, as always, practice makes things happen.
Many will tell you that the key of arm balances are strong core.
That is true, but only if you already have strong hands and wrists.
The key to arm balances ar STRONG WRISTS.
The first time I tried Bakasana I face and belly planted on the floor, my wrists weren’t strong enough to hold me.
Here, I am showing how to gently strengthen your wrists:
1 Start from a Crow pose (Kakasana) shape with one foot on the floor and the other one lifted. Repeat both sides. Breath x 5 Times each side
2 Place 2 Yoga blocks underneath your shoulders and evenly distribute your body weight between the blocks and your hands
3 Place 1 Yoga block underneath your forehead and evenly distribute your body weight between the blocks and your hands
4 Try this one only when you are strong enough. Place 2 Yoga Blocks behind you and place on top of your feet. Lift them one at a time.
Practice Malasana every day for the flexibility necessary to place your knees inside your armpits.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you feel pains of any sort at your wrists back off, and try tomorrow. You should never push your wrists