How to enter Urdhva Kukkutasana from the tripod headstand.
Step 1: Place the head on the floor, take a deep calming breath. Sometimes, it might happen to feel a rush of adrenaline. Don’t fight it, just calm the mind. Inhale, and Exhale.
Step 2: when the mind is calm, exhale and extend the legs right in front of you.
Step 3: Inhale, L shape, exhale
Step 4 : Inhale, press the legs up to Tripod Headstand. Exhale, and calm the mind
Step 5: Inhale, take the left leg slightly backward. Exhale, and bring the opposite leg into half lotus.
Step 6: Exhale, fold the other leg into padmasana. Wait till your mind is calm. Inhale, and suck the belly in.
Step 7: Exhale, slowly lower the legs. Try to place the knees inside the armpits, alternately on the triceps. Calm the mind.
Step 8: Push your body weight backward
Step 9: Lift the head from the floor. Don’t rush. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, but it will.
Step 10: Inhale, and fully extend the arms, engage the core, look forward and smile.