Hi guys,
I have to confess, I am a creature of habits.
I like to have my to-do lists done and to have a program. It makes me feel safe and accountable.
Here my Beauty routines
Morning routine
SPF (I use 110 SPF)
Night routine
Makeup remover, I don’t wear makeup regularly, however, if I do I never leave it on my skin overnight. Our skin needs to Breathe freely.
Eye cream (if you are over 30 use an antiaging one)
Night Moisturizer
Weekly Routine
Exfoliate the entire body
Facial Mask
Hair deep conditioning
Monthly Routine
Manicure and Pedicure (DIY for me)
Entire body wax (DIY for me)
Protein mask for the hair
Daily healthy habits
Drink lots of water, sleep at least 8 hours, TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, lip balm and eat at least 5 different veggies per meal