Hi guys,
Today’s tutorial is designed to show you how to work at Low Lunge pose with a deep backbend.
Every time we start working at a new pose, especially deep back bending, we have to remember that we won’t be able to nail it perfectly at the first attempt. No one was born knowing what to do. It takes practice.
Take this tutorial as a map that will lead you to your ultimate destination. You won’t be able to do everything today, but with daily practice, you will get there.
1 Low lunge with yoga blocks on the side of the body
2 Low lunge with the arms up reaching for the sky
3 Low lunge with one Yoga block underneath the front foot and the arms up reaching for the sky
4 Low lunge with two Yoga blocks underneath the front foot and the arms up reaching for the sky
5 Low lunge with a Yoga block underneath the back knee, the back leg flexed and the arms up reaching for the sky
6 Low lunge with a Yoga block underneath the back knee, bend the back leg, push the heel towards the glute and the arms up reaching for the sky
7 Low lunge with two Yoga block underneath the back knee, the back leg flexed and the arms up reaching for the sky
Benefits Low Lunge Pose: Low Lunge Pose strengthens and stretches your legs, knees and ankles, stimulates your abdominal organs, energizes your body, stretches the hip flexors and can help with lower back pain.